

The tigers find Diego with his friends and the baby. "Hey, Diego!" they shout. "We're hungry!" But Diego does not help the tigers.
 "Go away" Diego says. "These animals are my friends." The tigers are very angry. They fight Diego and Manny.
Diego is hurt. He can't walk. "go and find the baby's dad," he says. "Good bye, my friends." Sid and Manny are very sad. 
I think Diego is brave. When tigers attack his friends, he chooses to fight the tigers. After he was hurted by them, he concerns him friends. I think it is hard for me. The action which is for others is very important for human being. I learn that thing from these animals.


hurt     傷つける
volcano   火山
disappear    消える


Nicole.T, jacquie Taylor, 2010, Popcorn ELT Readers, Level 1.

Wordcount 531

3 件のコメント:

  1. "go and find the baby's dad,"
    Please check capitalization!

  2. Diego is bravely >
    Diego is brave

    him friends >
    his friends

    he choices >
    he chooses

  3. After he was hurted by them >
    After he was hurt by them
